09 June, 2015

Visual Arts Education

Why Visual Arts Education is impotant

Art education opens the possibility for creating new worlds...

“In addition to giving our children the science and math skills they need to compete in the new global context, we should also encourage the ability to think creatively that comes from a meaningful arts education.”

“With the arts, children learn to see. We want our children to have basic skills. But they also will need sophisticated cognition, and they can learn that through the visual arts.”

Elliot Eisner, Professor Emeritus of Child Education at Stanford University

While students in art classes learn techniques specific to art, such as how to draw, how to mix paint, or how to center a pot, they’re also taught a remarkable array of mental habits not emphasized elsewhere in schools.”

Lois Hetland and Ellen Winner 

As skillful educators have found, teaching students to be creative is a deliberate process, much like teaching students to be literate or to be able to solve mathematics problems... 


Please also read: A survey from The National Art Education Association (US)

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